Flat Cheeks / Mid Face Volume Loss

Conveniently located to serve the areas of West LA, La Cañada Flintridge, Pasadena, Glendale and Burbank

no-pain-leftAs we age, bone and fat loss together with the pull of gravity play a role in the flattening affect of cheeks and the mid face area. In turn, light gets absorbed in the mid face and cheek area rather than reflecting off our cheeks and giving us a youthful appearance. Age and genetics however, also play a role in the way we age.


Juvederm Ultra Plus and Restylane Lyft

Injected deeply these two fillers are excellent for the mid face and cheeks and most often you will need at least one syringe per side. The average is generally one and half syringes per side for an appreciable difference.


Is a great filler for the cheeks and is injected deep as well. Expect about 12 months of visible effect. With Radiesse you may have some initial swelling that is more obvious than if you did Juvederm or Restylane Lyft. Radiesse will also stimulate collagen, which is a long-term benefit. Again, you will in general need at least one (1.5cc) syringe of Radiesse per cheek to get and maintain the effects.

Flat Cheeks Before & After Photos

Flat Cheeks (actual patient))

Flat Cheeks Patient 1 Before


Flat Cheeks Patient 1 After


Flat Cheeks Zoomed (actual patient)

Flat Cheeks Treatment Patient 2 Before


Flat Cheeks Treatment Patient 2 After


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